10 Reasons IT Staff Augmentation is Better Than Outsourcing

10 Reasons IT Staff Augmentation is Better Than Outsourcing

IT is one of the core expensive components of any enterprise. This is not only due to the hardware costs but also because of the manpower costs. In countries like India, where IT professionals are readily available, it becomes more economical to hire an entire team of IT staff than trying to manage it in-house. The concept of IT Staff augmentation has become increasingly popular because it is not only cheaper but also gives the benefits of a full-time team.

Outsourcing has long been a divisive issue. Many employees, employers, and business owners feel that outsourcing has led to the collapse of America’s economy. Others feel that outsourcing is beneficial to their cubicle-dwelling employees.

There are many different ways you can get IT to work done for your business. One of the most complex decisions is whether you should hire an in-house team or hire an outsourced team. Here are some of the key points to look for when deciding whether you should go for an in-house or outsourced team.

10 Reasons IT Staff Augmentation is Better Than Outsourcing

Why is IT staff augmentation better than outsourcing?

IT staff augmentation includes the combination of in-house IT staff and contracted freelancers to provide the service. Outsourcing involves a third-party vendor providing services such as tech support, data entry and programming. It may be more cost-effective as it comes with an upfront fee. But outsourcing often has many hidden costs which can significantly outweigh itself.

Outsourcing is a fast way to get your company off the ground but it also leaves you without any control over your business or its financial security. By augmenting your in-house IT staff with the outside. Contractors you will keep down the cost of support while gaining more control and managing expenses efficiently without too much hassle.

It is normal for every business to want to reduce costs, so management. Always tends to go for outsourcing as it sounds like a great deal. But in reality, you will come across many hidden charges in the long run when dealing with an outsourced company such as project overruns and hidden costs. Non-disclosure contracts are also prevalent. And these contracts can render it challenging to ascertain the developments concerning your work after the contract is signed.

Many organizations view outsourcing as a way to save costs. However, with the increase in manpower, the cost of hiring an external team increases exponentially. Outsourcing comes with hidden costs, such as the increased risk of intellectual property theft, loss of confidentiality, lower-quality jobs and a lack of accountability. Due to this, outsourcing has caused many business losses.

IT staff augmentation

There are a few reasons why IT Staff augmentation outweighs outsourcing and on what aspects:-

  • Outsourcing does not give employees a level playing field set by the best practices and policies followed by in-house teams. The lack of proper benchmarks, policies. And other highly important aspects of IT makes it difficult to measure the quality of work done. External entities may be more inclined to meet deadlines than following a structured process.
  • As external resources are engaged through contractual arrangements. companies refrain from getting entangled in affairs concerning the progress and advancement of these employees. This is why numerous companies eschew establishing long-term associations with external professionals.

  • The knowledge that employees could be dropped at any time makes them less enthusiastic about their jobs. Since they know there is no long-term commitment on the part of their employer, they don’t feel loyalty to the company.
  • IT Staff augmentation is better than outsourcing because companies can play an active role in the development and training of contract workers, instead of hiring a team that already has all the skills that you need.
  • Outsourcing can make it difficult to assess the quality of work done by external professionals. Since there are no metrics set up to measure performance. it can be difficult to determine which employees are doing work of high quality and which ones aren’t.

Outsourced companies are more likely to create a “blended culture”.  When they bring people in from other non-technical backgrounds based on the current technology landscape. This makes it difficult for them to understand the technical requirements and needs of clients over time.

IT Staff augmentation

IT Staff Augmentation vs Outsourcing: Which is a better choice?

Organizations are scrambling to find the next in-demand, skilled technology worker. But, it’s not just about what you know; finding a person who also has the right personality and work ethic is critical.

There are various IT staff augmentation benefits. And it is a great choice for your business than Outsourcing, few of them are mentioned here:-

  • IT Staff augmentation is better than outsourcing because companies don’t have to worry about integrating external employees into their corporate culture. The companies can provide training, mentoring, and group activities so that their team members have a good time with their jobs.
  • Outsourcing does not increase employee loyalty. This is because employers are in charge of creating the exact culture that they want to encourage. When companies hire employees via an external firm, they might not accord them the deserved level of attention.
  • Since IT Staff augmentation is better than outsourcing, external teams can easily adapt to changes in technology and business processes. without disrupting work or slowing down progress. You can hand-pick the right personnel to run specific projects. instead of using whatever talent is available at the moment.
  • Hiring IT staff augmentation helps you save time on training and preparing your external team for new tasks.
  • You can readily allocate the appropriate amount of time needed to accomplish a specific task, instead of waiting to gauge the progress made while the task is outsourced.

  • You can quickly do an exit interview before terminating employees who are not working out. This means that you can cut costs and don’t have to spend a lot of money when you hire new employees from outside sources.

The advent of software has completely changed the way we do our jobs. This has given rise to a whole new breed of companies that take care of most of the IT requirements of a business. However, there are several reasons why IT staff augmentation is better than outsourcing.

IT Staff Augmentation

Here are 10 reasons why IT Staff Augmentation is better than outsourcing:

Think outsourcing is a better option than IT staff augmentation? Read more to stay updated.

1. Outsourcing is expensive

Outsourcing can be expensive and cumbersome, especially when it comes to ensuring the right skill sets are in place. To outsource, companies must invest in talent recruitment and hiring processes that take up time and money.

IT staff augmentation services integrate seamlessly into your existing business processes, avoiding these pitfalls altogether.

2. Workloads can be unpredictable

IT outsourcing requires a large initial investment that can increase or decrease over time based on workloads. This is a gamble for any business planning for the future. IT staff augmentation allows companies to adapt their workforce capacity to fluctuations in demand and workloads.

Since the staffing levels of an augmented services team are based on your needs, you know exactly what you’re paying for.

3. Targeting specific talent is easy

When using an outsourced team, it’s easy to waste time with extensive interviewing and vetting processes. With IT staff augmentation, companies can identify candidates who are a perfect fit by using objective, data-driven job assessments. Target candidates based on key factors such as skills, experience and locations.

4. You’re not locked into a long-term contract

If your company plans to grow or shrink soon, you might be concerned about outsourcing because of its long-term commitment.
With IT staff augmentation, you can easily scale your workforce up or down based on your needs; no contracts are necessary.

5. Flexibility is yours

IT staff augmentation services let businesses enjoy the flexibility of only paying for what they need now. not for services they might not use tomorrow or next year.
Plus, staffing levels can be adjusted as needed and you aren’t locked into a minimum or maximum contract.

6. Staffing trends are easier to predict

With IT staff augmentation, companies can easily predict trends in their employment needs.
As the economy moves through various phases, businesses often have fluctuating staffing needs. with IT staff augmentation services, you can modify your staff size with.

ease when you hire or let people go as demand shifts.

7. Workstreams are uninterrupted

IT outsourcing shifts workloads away from your existing employees and onto outsourced workers. This can impact the quality of service your customers receive because a team with a fundamentally different skill set is handling your work.
With IT staff augmentation, you can maintain the same skilled workforce and expand staff levels when necessary.

8. Outsourced workers are more productive

Outsourced workers, being remote and only occasionally interacting with your business. May not be as invested in the success of your organization as local staff who are more engaged. These ex-pats are often on-call and also lack access to office perks like cafeterias or their desks.
When hiring your own IT staff augmentation team, you have the opportunity for greater collaboration between employees who live locally and share a common mission.

9. Outsourced workers don’t share your company culture

When staffing an IT function, it’s important to hire individuals who have the same values and attitudes as those in your organization.
When you work with an outsourced IT provider. The cultural fit may not be as strong or clear—so make sure you hire a workforce that can seamlessly fit into your workplace.

10. Your business will see an immediate impact

When you outsource, there may be no noticeable changes until months or years down the road when results start appearing. With IT staff augmentation, it’s easier to see a tangible impact almost immediately because you can scale up or down based on demand.
Augmented services teams are staffed based on your needs. So you’ll have the right employees in the right roles at all times.

IT Staff Augmentation

Think IT Staff augmentation?

Think ControlF5!

Improve your business processes and IT efficiency with ControlF5’s IT Augmentation services by hiring our dedicated remote team:

At ControlF5, our dedicated remote developers harness the advantages of high speed, low latency, and per-second billing to assist businesses in achieving accelerated progress. All the while ensuring precise and accurate charges.

Our Dedicated Remote Developers help companies improve their business processes by reducing waste and improving efficiency.

Our services include:

  • Server monitoring services for businesses in areas such as cloud, virtualization, systems administration and security.
  • IT automation capabilities for fixed configuration management and dynamic provisioning of servers.
  • Furthermore, it offers end-to-end automation for continuous delivery (CD) methodologies that can be customized to suit the specific requirements of your company.

Today, more than ever, organizations place emphasis on business agility, flexibility, and speed. IT organizations in the present day are harnessing the advantages of automation to address the requirements of the business.

The impetus for automation stems from the necessity to enhance efficiency, optimize productivity, and curtail the IT Operating Budget.

ControlF5’s IT services and dedicated developers help you focus on your core business. while we work behind the scenes to streamline and automate much of your IT management processes.

Dedicated remote developers

At ControlF5 we believe in continuous improvement because our customers’ needs vary greatly from one business to the next. So we use our knowledge of automation and software delivery methodologies to stay ahead and evolve with each new industry trend.

When it comes to monitoring all things IT. ControlF5 holds the status of an industry leader and boasts a longer operational history compared to the majority of other IT monitoring agencies/companies.

We want to be able to show you how our solutions can improve your processes or product. so that you can see for yourself the difference a ControlF5 solution can make.

Contact us now to experience the change in your operations, for good!

Picture of Shruti Mandhan

Shruti Mandhan

I'm Shruti Mandhan a passionate content writer weaving words into stories and ideas. With a love for words and a keen eye for detail, I strive to deliver valuable insights through my writing.

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